The key to our success is the conscious departure from traditional approaches towards a truly integrated handling of our clients cases in respect of patent and general law, particularly (but not only) in patent disputes and other litigation regarding intellectual property.
In doing so we do not hold on to traditional role models of the patent and legal profession; instead – wherever it makes sense and appears appropriate for the case – we look to the creative impulse provided by a change of perspectives, which does not consider the role of the patent attorney to be merely lending technical support to the lawyer and, vice versa, does not understand the lawyer to be the sole interpreter of technology for the purposes of law. In this way, for more than a decade now we have been pursuing litigation strategies, consulting approaches and negotiation concepts in regard of the case as a whole, which has continually enabled us to find new and fruitful solutions even in difficult cases.
In employing this approach, we are increasingly successful with clients and potential clients who – particularly in litigation cases – are interested in obtaining advice and representation in matters of intellectual property from one law firm as a single source. This takes on special significance in the German patent litigation which requires very close coordination of the bifurcated proceedings before different courts, the infringement suit on one and the nullity suit on the other side. However, in our view a prerequisite for the success of this approach - in addition to patent litigation experience – are patent attorneys and attorneys-at-law with practical and academic qualifications, working together as a team.